Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring Break & Easter

We went to church, then out to brunch with Poppy, Grammy & Nana. Annual waster egg hunt and carnival at Southside. Ball games as usual, this is Annie with two of her best Buddies from the Fusion team.We dyed easter eggs, went to the Pirate Ship park and rode the carousel in St. Augustine.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter Bonnets & Hat Parades!

Lucy with some of her playgroup friends. They had an egg hunt, made easter bonnets & had a tea party! Lucy always has a blast with her play group. We try to play on Fridays, but most of the children have older siblings like Lucy, and sometimes we have to miss due to field trips etc... for their brothers & sisters. We do our best. They all love to play together. She has been playing with two of the girls since before her first birthday. Next year everyone in her playgroup will be in a four year old VPK class, and Lucy will still be in a three year old class. She misses the cut off here by one week. This year everyone in the play group has preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Next year they will most likely have different schedules.

Lucy, Natalie(Evan's sister), Evan, Delaney, Charley, & Mia! Thank you Mia for having us over. We had a great time!

Charlie's hat parade. All of the kindergarteners make a crazy hat for homework. They bring it to school the day of the parade. Charlie painted the top of his hat with watercolors & we tied pictures of all his best buddies even a sister or two all over the top! I thought it was pretty cute!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lucy is a Ballerina now!

Lucy is taking ballet & tap with her friend Charley. They love it. Lucy asks everyday, "is today ballerina Mom?" I am hoping she will stick to ballet. Kevin has hopes for softball....especially because she is a lefty. I guess we will have to wait and see, but for now she is all princess!

Character counts!

Charlie received the Character counts award from his class for March. Here he is shaking Mr. Story's hand during the assembly. Character counts for March was for trustworthiness.