Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Yes...this is an old picture...I think it was April 2005...early spring excursion to the beach. But Laura and I love it, as it truly captures the personalities of our children - each in their own special way. We'll leave it at that. :)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Charlie/Poppy Fishing Trip

Everyone knows Poppy is the king of creek fishing here in Mandarin/Julington Creek. Well, he is slowly bringing Charlie along, teaching him all the secrets. Here are a couple of pics from a recent trip. Charlie showing off the catch, and then happily enjoying fresh fish for lunch.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Slacker Update

Finally a new update. We have definitely been slacking on this blogging thing, but oh so busy in all other areas. Here are a few pictures of the kids from our trip to North Carolina in Nov. 06, and one of our little rock stars on Christmas morning. Yes, we know - gorgeous children-must be all Laura. Thanksgiving was very good, and Christmas was extra fun - but of course we all received much more than we needed. Laura did her usual wonderful job of playing hostess/making everyone feel welcome, and I (Kevin) probably did too much complaining about the "mess". We are now moving furiously into the New Year - Annie & Charlie are playing Upward Basketball in Jan/Feb, which overlaps with Annie's second job - softball. Charlie will try his second season at T-Ball. They both continue to do well in school, but I did feel dumb the other day when I had to go online to refresh myself on some of Annie's 4th grade math homework (I knew we'd never use some of that stuff ever again). Laura is doing a great job with the kids, working at a MPP, keeping her jewelry busy going, and of course, her real purpose on earth - which is to rid the world of mean people and the injustice they can cause. I (Kevin) continue to do a good job at populating the world with Citi credit cards, help coach the kids ball teams, and continue to strive to be a good dad & husband. Lucy continues to rule the roost - if you couldn't tell from the pictures, but we are enjoying watching our little one blosom before our eyes. The final thing I'll add - you'd probably know all of this & more, if we bothered to send out our Christmas cards. We still have time right?