Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lucy's trip to the Hospital

Well we are home! Lucy spent most of the week in the hospital. She started complaining that her hip hurt on Friday. She did not have any other symptoms. Saturday she was pretty lethargic & she said it hurt too bad to walk. Sunday she felt even worse and late that night she began running a temp. I took her to the Dr. Monday morning. They tested her for strep - it was negative - so the Dr. thought it was just a virus. We went home & she got worse 105+ temp & vomiting. I took her to the E.R. about 2:30a.m. because we could not get the fever down or stop the vomiting. The E.R.
Dr. even seemed worried & puzzled. They did blood work & urine & the Dr. soon came back to tell me it was a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). I literally cried with joy I was so relieved. A UTI sounded great to me. They gave Lucy a shot of rocephin in each leg & sent us home. Again she got worse. Her fever was still high, still vomiting & very very lethargic. She was not staying awake at all. I headed back to the Dr. Tuesday afternoon, and by this time she also had diahrea. It looked like rust with blood & was foaming like alka seltzer. I don't mean to be so graphic, but I could not imagine what was causing this since she had not eaten a thing since Friday a.m. In my almost 12 years of being a Mom, this was the most worried I have ever been. We were admitted to Wolfson Childrens Hospital later Tuesday evening. Lucy had a UTI that went into her kidneys and also into her blood stream. The bacteria in her urine & in her blood was ecoli. When she was telling us her hip hurt, it was actually her right kidney... exactly where she was pointing. On Wednesday we were told that our best case scenario would mean another 48 hours in the hospital and then we would have to put a pic line in & come home with a home health nurse & IV antibiotics for another 10 days. Our worst case scenario would be 14 straight days in the hospital with IV antibiotics. Guess what we got??? We got better than best case! Isn't the power of prayer amazing? We had 5 days of IV antibiotics & have come home without a pic line. We are taking 14 days of oral antibiotics. Isn't that wonderful? She is doing great. Our main prayer now is that we can get her to take this medicine everyday. We had a wonderful Dr. in the E.R. & a wonderful Dr. in the hospital. Our nurses were perfect! Wolfsons is a wonderful place. My friend Lisa came up to see us and said... this is more like Disney world than a hospital. They had video games, movies, a play room, and lots of fun cars to ride.
Kevin and I were almost equally sad about the many sick children up there who were alone, as we were about our Lucy. In our little culdesac of four rooms up there, the other three children did not have a single visitor in over a 24 hour period. At the time, the children beside us were 2 months, 4 years, and I think 3 or 4 months. We could not even imagine Lucy being up there & going through all of those tests etc... alone.
I have never quite mastered organizing these pictures correctly for this blog. I am not sure they are in order, but it is probably obvious. The first is while we were waiting for our room at the hospital & the last is just before she was discharged. She had many wonderful visitors & special treats. We sure thank everyone for their kindness. We were certainly taken care of during our short stay. Annie & Charlie were taken care of & we did not even worry a bit. I know Kevin & I are so blessed to have these four beautiful healthy children, but I remember when we found out we were expecting Will I thought... this increases my territory for worry. We certainly learned quickly that we have an amazing support group of friends & family around us and no matter what life puts on our plate, God has surrounded us with exceptional friends and family to help us get through lifes trials. Lucy did not eat any tomatoes or anything like that to give her ecoli. The Dr. said she has dysfunctional voiding and she is never able to fully empty her bladder. This created the bacteria which began in the urine & then into her blood stream. We have had issues with damp panties ever since she was potty trained. We were never sure if this was something that she could help or not help. Her clothes were never totally wet, just her panties & they were too wet to keep on. We had spoken to our pediatrician often about this and have tried behavior systems... and punishments etc... Now I of course feel terrible for going the punishment route because this is something she cannot help. With all of her strange symptoms we know this could have been so much worse. We are so thank full. We will visit the urologist now to see what we need to do to make sure this does not happen again.

Lucy with her friend Sierra she met in the hospital & Rebekah &
Preston (Charlie's best buddy) who came to visit their old stomping grounds & see Lucy. Rebekah & Preston both had cancer as toddlers. I am sure knowing both of these families made me worry extra. Preston's symptoms before he was diagnosed with leukemia were limping and then not walking. Preston & Rebekah are 100% these days.

Lucy & Daddy taking a nap.

Mrs. Kara helping Lucy with her IV. Lucy loves Mrs. Kara it was great to have a familiar face working that first day or two we were there. Mrs. Kara worked on the 4th floor & we were on the 6th, but she came up to help when Lucy asked for her. We had many wonderful nurses on the 6th floor.

Lucy not feeling great but trying to make cookies in the playroom with some of the other patients.

Lucy with Claude when he came for a visit.

Mia came to visit & paint int he play room.

Lucy feeling much better & taking Will for a ride in the Hummer.

The Stakes came but Lucy was asleep so we had to take their picture so she could see they came for a visit.

Lucy with her baby from the Stakes & the Kahrs just before we got to go home. Yea!!!

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