Thursday, September 06, 2007

Annie had a Blast at Camp! Me Too!

Top photo is Annie with her counselor Courtney. In the orange overalls (on her way to Clemson) is Elizabeth with Annie. Elizabeth... is our friend & babysitter from our church who was also working as an adult volunteer, and the rest are mostly Annie, Ali, & Natalie !

Annie had a great time at camp! I was afraid I might have cramped her style by working as an adult volunteer, but I actually think she was glad I was there! Yea!! She is so independent I did not think she needed me, but I wanted to go. She took her good friend from softball, "Ali". She and Ali and Natalie (her friend from church), had a wonderful time. They especially loved their counselors. I was quite impressed with the entire camp. The praise & worship times were my favorite. I loved watching all of the kids dance & sing. I was so impressed with the number of middle school and highschool kids there. Everyday consisted of praise & worship time, swimming, small group (usually twice a day, small group was like a bible study), and a message. They also had several different activities to choose from throughout the week, such as roller blading, cloud watching, drama, & arts & crafts etc... I am so glad we went. I am sure Annie will be eager to go next year.

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